Thursday, January 3, 2008

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! It's a new year for my blog and I must say the pressure is on since my sister, Deneen, put me in her Christmas letter! I felt like I won an award!!! So, if you are a first-timer: "HEEELLLLLOOOOOO and welcome to my blog!" There's not a lot of drama going on here just some fun. Please feel free to add comments, criticisms, opinions, etc..... I've actually started keeping a little pad of paper with me to jot topics down as they come to me. Otherwise, I get on the computer and stare at it in a coma for a few minutes and then start shopping because I don't remember anything good! I'll be going back a little ways with some of this stuff but it will be worth it! First up, Survivor - eewww Gay Todd won! I was rooting for Amanda until she went all sappy ass in the final tribal. I hate it when they apologize for their "behavior" during the game! I honestly think I wanted Courtney in the end. Hey, she is what she is. And, as it turns out, Denise kind of does suck at life so maybe her comments weren't too far off after all! At least one reality show got it right - Biggest Loser!!! Yeah Bill and Jim! I was happy Julie did so well but her mouth just would not shut up so I definitely did not want her to win. Started watching the new couples Biggest Loser the other night and just could not love that show any more. The best news of all: They got rid of Kim!!! I hated her! And why those goofballs didn't run for Bob is beyond me. I like Jillian too but I think that Bob is the ultimate! Love, love, love him! Also, still loving Allison Sweeney sooooooooo much better than Caroline Rhea. I've always loved my Sammy!!! Okay, that's enough for now - gotta shower!

1 comment:

Hull Family said...

I couldn't believe people actually wanted Jillian, either! Ok, Bob is tough, too, but in a nicer way. Not like "I want to kill you!". Glad the father/daughter team went home - his heart just wastn't in it. Good idea about keeping notes!