Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin - bummer, I really liked that guy.


Unknown said...

I concur, both Russert & Carlin really bummed me out when I heard. Both great examples of the importance of a heart healthy lifestyle.

Looking forward to an in-depth update to the houseparty. You said yesterday, "I'm so bored, there's nothing to do!!" Well, as Mom always said, "then go pull some weeds," or a much funner alternative would be to let loose upon the web your always impressive and eerily accurate opinions regarding the cultural happenings of the day.

Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Tony Snow - bummer, I really liked that guy?

Hull Family said...

Oh! I wish I'd have thought to leave that last comment!!! He! He! Oh well - at least I got to "out" you to the neighborhood....Post some pictures from the lake and from Andrea's - slacker!!!!