Yes, it's time for another addition of "Things We Don't Know About Kelly!" You should all try this - it's a lot harder than you think!
Okay, let's see.....I really, really wish I had gone to college. This is one of my biggest regrets in life. And I know I can still go but with 3 kids it's hard right now! Maybe in the future...
I also really wish John and I had another baby. I wish we hadn't waited quite so long between Rachel and Stephen and could have squeezed in another one, or I guess technically squeezed
out another one! Again, I know I still could but I think my time has passed. Maybe we'll adopt one day.....
I have a neighborhood nemesis! His name is "Kyle." (names have been changed because I don't know who might read this!) Now, don't laugh, he is 13 years old!!! I know, I know, I have major issues! My problems with "Kyle" started long ago. Well, about a year ago anyway! First, I don't like the looks of him. That sounds awful, but it's true. There's just something about his eyes. He also just screams goober in every single thing he does! He "invited" himself to Rachel's birthday party last year, didn't bring a gift (which I normally wouldn't care, but if you're going to crash you'd better bring a gift!). He then proceeded to be the biggest shit at the party! Just goofy, retarded stuff but soooooo annoying! Also, he ate almost an entire pizza!! The main thing is, he thinks he's awesome and he is not! Well, I had gotten over all of this and then 2 days ago I was putting an Obama/Biden sign in my neighbor, Christine's, yard. She had seen mine and wanted one and I got her one and went over to put it in. Kyle and his buddies were out playing football in the cul de sac. Now, their parents, like many people in Clarksville, are conservatives, which is fine. Anyway, I put the sign in and went back home. I see them out the window "accidently" throwing the football at the sign! I yelled out the front door for them to leave it alone! I start making dinner and Rachel comes down and says that Kyle has taken the sign out and put it in another friend's garage! I was livid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promptly called over to said friend's house and told his father what had happened and that they better put that sign back! So they come out a few minutes later to put the sign in and of course I have to yell out the door that they had been very disrespectful! PUNKS!! Well, you'd be darned right if you think I probably got cursed out by those kids under their breath!!! You're darn tootin' I'll be watching those rascally kids from now on! You betcha I'm a gonna get em!!!
(did you catch my drift there at the end? In case you didn't, it was a thinly veiled stab at someone!)
Anyhoo, that's it for now..............